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The biggest
Bussines Angels

All for your crypto-business

Whitepaper and Roadmap

Golden Cloud [GCT2] is the currency to invest in Startups.

Invest in Startups in just 3 steps

Buy GCT2

Change your cryptocurrencies to GCT2

* You must have WAVES in order to buy GCT2

Invest in Startups

You can buy cryptocurrencies or Debt in Startups by exchanging your GCT2

Get profit

Tradea with your cryptocurrencies or invest in the medium or long term to receive its profitability

Investing in Startups with security is easy thanks to Golden Cloud.

We are here to create a decentralized and democratic economy open to the entire world.

Download the GCT2 Whitepaper.

The price of Golden Cloud [GCT2] fluctuates according to the DEX orders indicated in the "Wallet" , that is, quoted in the market along with other assets such as Bitcoin, Euro, Dollar or Ethereum. Through P2P Banking you can invest in Startups giving rise to our investment platform in Startups . Invest in the Golden Cloud and get the returns indicated in the section 'Markets'.

Golden Cloud - Road Map

 Fase Génesis

GCT2 Official Wallet

GCT2 Official Website

Start-up P2P BANKING

Start-up of the mine [GCT2 node]


Search for external financing. Investment round

Listing first 15 Startups


Issuance of Startup debt and cryptocurrency packages on the market with GCT2 [GCT2 / Startup]


Listing in 7 Exchanges

Search for external financing. Investment round


 Fase Hércules

Fork Proposal

GCT2 Wallet Update

Start credit loan activities


Private blockchain GCT2


Creating tokens


Diversification of investment sectors